Dr. Marcela Borge

Dr. Marcela Borge
Associate Professor of Education (LDT)
Email:[email protected]
Phone: 814-865-0625
301C Keller Building
University Park, PA 16802
- Learning and Performance Systems
- Learning, Design, and Technology
Dr. Marcela Borge's research interests are at the intersection of learning, cognition, and design. Her current research focuses on unpacking group cognition, and student needs to design new interaction models and technological tools to enhance learning.
Ph.D., Fall 2007; M.A, Spring 2004 Education; Cognition and Development: Education in Math, Science, and Technology, University of California, Berkeley, CA
B.A., Psychology, Spring 2001; University of California, Berkeley, CA
Research Interests and Areas of Expertise:
Computer-supported collaborative learning, cognition and development, sociocultural theory, human-computer interaction, design-based research methods, scenario-based design, intelligent systems, technology-supported self-regulated learning, socio-metacognition
Design & Development Projects:
2016-2018 CREATE 2.0 Scaling the System University-Wide. Selected as a faculty fellow for my work with the CREATE prototype by the Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT) group that supports educational technology across Penn State University. Worked with TLT to build a multi-user open-source version of CREATE and faculty development tools to scale the CREATE system university-wide.
2014-2017 CoLearnr User Testing and Beta Version. Worked with the CEO of Colearnr.com to test and revise a multi-platform, collaborative learning management system, develop requirements for children in K-12, and a beta version for kids. System accessible at colearnr.com
2013-2017 CREATE: Collaborative Regulation, Enhanced Analysis, and Thinking Environment prototype. Conducted research on developing collaborative competencies and iteratively developed a computer-supported collaborative training system to help students improve collaborative sense-making processes by learning how to monitor and regulate collaborative processes. System accessible at create.psu.edu
2009 - 2012 Coordinated Multiple Views. Conducted research on activity awareness and developed a prototype to support group cognition and decision-making for information analysts.
2007- 2012 Collaborative Case-Based Learning with the UCS Case-Based Library. Conducted research on group cognition, group interactions, development of self-regulatory tools and assessments for use in classroom settings. System accessible at ucs.ist.psu.edu
2001- 2007 Inquiry Island/The Web of Inquiry. Conducted research, developed curriculum, and devised new learning assessments for a modifiable cognitive agent system as part of ThinkerTools Scientific Inquiry, Modeling, and Software Development project. For more information see http://thinkertools.org/Pages/woi.html
2001- 2002 M.E.L.L.I.E. Pilot of a bilingual-math software program run by the Distributed Learning Workshop. Trained at the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), Stanford University, Palo Alto. Conducted requirements analysis and usability tests of learning system designed for Math students who were also English Language Learners. Video recorded sessions, transcribed in Spanish and then translated to English. Created databases to organize and store all data.