LLAED Faculty
Faculty Members
Our faculty are highly respected scholars within and beyond the field, with expertise that spans numerous international research arenas - including adult teaching and learning, distance education and online learning, learning in the workplace and the community, and literacy for culturally and linguistically diverse populations.
Dr. Esther Prins
Research Interests:
-Adult Basic Education and Literacy
-Family Literacy
-Literacy and Health
-Participatory Research and Community Development
-Social Inequities
Contact Information:
ℹ️ 305B Keller Building, University Park, PA, 16802
📞 814-865-0597
Dr. John Holst
Associate Professor
Research Interests:
-Adult Education and Social Movements
-Political Economy of Adult Education
-Precarity, Work, and Learning
Contact Information:
ℹ️ 305E Keller Building, University Park, PA, 16802
📞 814-863-3499
Dr. José Cossa
Associate Professor
Research Interests:
-Adult Education
-Distance Education
-Planning and Evaluation
Contact Information:
ℹ️ 305A Keller Building, University Park, PA, 16802
📞 814-863-9011
Dr. William Diehl
Associate Teaching Professor and Education Coordinator of Online Graduate Programs
Research Interests:
-Teaching and Learning Online
-Adult Education
-Distance Education
Contact Information:
ℹ️ 303 Keller Building, University Park, PA, 16802
📞 814-867-0228