Alumni Society Awards
Alumni Society Award Recipients
The College of Education Alumni Society supports awards in seven categories. The awards are presented each Spring to alumni and graduating students who have distinguished themselves in their profession or culminating field experience, respectively. Please scroll down to view a list of awards and criteria.
To submit a nomination, please click the link below:
Alumni Society 2025 Award Nomination
Note that complete nominations shall consist of:
- Alumni Award Nomination Form
- Resume or Vita of Nominee
- Support to include:
- 1 support letter from nominator
- 1 additional letter of support
- Or video submission expressing support of nominee to replace letters of support. Any video submissions should not be longer than 2 minutes.
Nominations are accepted throughout the year. Nomination deadline is November 15th. Award recipients are selected by Alumni Society Committees, and will be announced in late December.
Nominations remain active for two selection periods.
For more information about the awards program, please contact Kaela Fuentes-Packnick, Assistant Director of Alumni Relations, [email protected].
Alumni Society Awards
The Alumni Excellence Award (formerly the Excellence in Education Award-revised 2014) is the highest honor bestowed upon alumni of the College of Education. It recognizes career-long, sustained excellence of contributions and achievement in the nominee's chosen profession.
Specific criteria:
- Nominees will be evaluated for significant contributions to their chosen profession (in or out of the field of education) over the span of their career, for a period of 15 years or more;
- The nomination should include clear, compelling, and documented evidence of excellence through contributions to the nominees chosen field as exemplified in leadership, innovation, commitment, and/or service;
- Nominee must be a graduate of the College of Education (certification, baccalaureate, or advanced degree).
This award recognizes alumni who showcase exemplary insight and fortitude in the area of workplace and/or community diversity. Selection is made on the basis of: fostering an environment in which diversity is understood, valued, and promoted; meeting the needs of employees and/or community members of traditionally underrepresented groups and/or diverse populations; collaborating with others who have shared goals around justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion; and creating diversity programs and/or initiatives that positively affect the nominee’s organization and/or community.
Specific criteria:
- Nominee has been a catalyst for change regarding workplace diversity and inclusion and/or has impacted change within an industry, organization, and/or local community.
- Nominee must be a graduate of the College of Education (certification, baccalaureate, or advanced degree).
The Leadership and Service Award recognizes those alumni who have distinguished themselves in their chosen profession, in or out of the field of education. Selection is made on the basis of leadership and service within a career, a community or to society in general.
Specific criteria:
- Achievement in a chosen field, in a community, or in society;
- Nominee must be a graduate of the College of Education (certification, baccalaureate, or advanced degree).
The Service to Penn State Award (new in 2014), recognizes those alumni and friends who have made significant contributions of time and talent to the College and/or the University.
Specific Criteria:
- Nominee will be evaluated on the basis of demonstrated commitment and dedication to enhancing the objectives of the College and/or the University.
Nominees must be graduates from any program and any degree level within the College of Education within ten years of the date of nomination.
Specific Criteria:
- Nominee must be employed full-time in the teaching profession (traditional or non-traditional setting);
- Nominee must be a graduate of the College of Education (certification, baccalaureate, or advanced degree).
The Outstanding New Graduate Award recognizes recent graduates who have distinguished themselves in their new careers. Selection is made on the basis of the individual's advancement and excellence in a new job, in or out of the field of education.
Specific criteria:
- Outstanding contributions to and achievements in a new job;
- Nominees must be graduates from any program and any degree level within the College of Education within ten years of the date of nomination.
This award recognizes up to four Outstanding Field Experience Students every academic year. (Note: Nominations for this award are solicited through coordinators in the College of Educations Office of Curriculum, Education and Public Policy, and Rehabilitation and Human Services.
To view past award winners, please visit the Current and Past Alumni Society Award Winners page.