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Teacher Education Framework

The Penn State teacher plans instruction and assessments based upon robust knowledge of subject matter, students and their learning and development, curriculum goals and standards, and the community.

A1. The teacher demonstrates an understanding of subject matter and subject-specific pedagogy during planning.

A2. The teacher uses principles of learning and development, and understanding of learners and learner diversity during planning of instruction and assessment.

A3. The teacher uses relevant community, district, school, and classroom factors and characteristics in planning.

A4. The teacher develops and selects appropriate instructional goals and objectives.

A5. The teacher designs coherent short range and long-range opportunities for student learning and assessment.

A6. The teacher selects, adapts, and/or creates appropriate instructional resources and materials, including instructional technologies.

A7. The teacher plans for an inclusive, nurturing, stimulating, and academically challenging learning environment.

The Penn State teacher actively encourages students’ development and learning by creating a positive classroom learning environment, appropriately using a variety of instructional and assessment strategies and resources, including instructional technologies.

B1. The teacher actively and effectively engages all learners

B2. The teacher assesses student learning in multiple ways in order to monitor student learning, assist students in understanding their progress, and report student progress.

B3. The teacher appropriately manages classroom procedures.

B4. The teacher appropriately manages student learning and behavior.

B5. The teacher communicates effectively using verbal, nonverbal, and media communication techniques while teaching.

The Penn State teacher continually and systematically inquiries into the quality of his or her teaching and the conditions of schooling in order to enhance student learning and development.

C1. The teacher monitors and adjusts instructional and assessment strategies during teaching.

C2. The teacher systematically analyzes assessment data to characterize performance of whole class and relevant sub-groups of students.

C3. The teacher uses data from his/her own classroom teaching to evaluate his/her own strengths and areas for improvement.

The Penn State teacher exhibits the highest standards of professionalism in all that he/she does.

D1. The teacher consistently meets expectations and fulfills responsibilities.

D2. The teacher establishes and maintains productive, collaborative relationships with colleagues and families.

D3. The teacher values and seeks professional growth.

D4. The teacher continuously demonstrates integrity, ethical behaviors, and appropriate professional conduct.