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  • Candidates must meet all published course, grade, and cumulative grade-point average prerequisites.
  • All prerequisite courses applicable to the teaching option must be completed with a C grade or better PRIOR TO ENROLLMENT IN STUDENT TEACHING.
  • Course work during student teaching. You may not enroll, during the student teaching experience, in additional courses other than those designated for the student teaching practicum. This includes correspondence, distance education, online, continuing education, evening or weekend courses at Penn State or other institutions.
  • Deferred grades and correspondence courses must be completed before the start of the student teaching experience.
  • Non-College of Education majors must have a certification adviser in the College of Education.
  • Dual certification candidates must submit, to the Curriculum and Instruction Field Experiences Office, program approval verifying readiness to proceed with a dual practicum except dual SPLED/CEAED candidates who must submit an application for each of the two separate practica. The SPLED application is to be handed in to the appropriate office in the Special Education Department.
  • Students with disabilities who may need special accommodations during the practicum should place the request through the Disability Services Office in 105 Boucke Building (voice or TDD: 863-1807). That office will notify the Curriculum and Instruction Field Experiences Office regarding reasonable accommodations in compliance with the American with Disabilities Act of 1990.