From scratch: Using AEFLA funds to develop a family literacy program
From scratch: Using AEFLA funds to develop a family literacy program
The Goodling Institute for Research in Family Literacy is pleased to announce a valuable resource for organizations thinking about starting a new or improving an existing family literacy program. In collaboration with the Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center at Virginia Commonwealth University, we developed From scratch: Using AEFLA funds to develop a family literacy program. The toolkit was originally prepared for the state of Virginia to support agencies that had received family literacy planning grants. Authors Elizabeth Severson-Irby and Carol Clymer adapted the Virginia toolkit for others interested in starting a family literacy program. Evidence-based strategies, resources, worksheets, and program examples are provided to help practitioners develop a well-rounded, intergenerational, four-component family literacy program. Although the toolkit focuses on using AEFLA funds, it contains generic information that is useful for anyone involved in family literacy programming.