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Questions regarding the Student Teaching Application can be answered in the CIFE Office (170 Chambers).

The completed application must be submitted electronically to this office one year before the student teaching semester.

  • Fall Semester student teaching applications are due by the end of September of the previous year.
  • Spring Semester student teaching applications are due by the end of January of the previous year.
  • Applications received after the due date will be considered LATE, and placements will be made on a space-available basis.

Completing the Electronic Application Form

Each item must be completed for this application to be valid.

Application for Student Teaching

Item 1: Name

Enter your last name, then your first name, and middle initial (if you have one)

Item 2: Semester Preferred
  1. Select the semester/year in which you intend to complete student teaching (C I 495D/F or E).
  3. Next, enter the semester/year in which you intend to complete the Pre-student teaching field experience (C I 495A/B/C).
  5. PDS - If you are a Pre-K-4 major or Secondary English/Communications major AND you intend to apply to the PDS program, select "Yes" – all others, please select "No."
Item 3: Penn State ID+ #

This number will be the nine-digit number on the bottom of your Penn State ID card and will begin with the number 9.

Item 4: Certification Area

Select the area for which you will be certified.

Item 5: Graduation Semester

If you are a degree candidate, select the semester and year in which you expect to graduate. If you are seeking certification ONLY, please select "N/A".

Item 6: Region Preferred

Please read the following information carefully before selecting your preferences.

  • Select the names of the regional centers that you prefer. Your regional preference should not be based upon the expectation that you will be able to live at home during your student teaching semester. Your specific placement might not be near your home or local transportation services.
  • Each regional center has a quota for each semester. The quota is determined by several factors, including (1) the number of school placements available; (2) partnership agreements with school districts; (3) supervisory caseload, which make it possible for you to experience quality supervision; and (4) effort to balance supervision caseloads.
  • Assignments are made to regional centers, not specific towns, cities, or school districts.
  • The regional centers operating at the time of this printing are listed below. However, a change in program requirements, Penn State/school district partnerships, enrollment numbers, personnel, and/or budgetary constraints could cause a relocation or closing.
  • There is no guarantee that regional preferences can be granted. Preferences will be used as a guide. However, you should plan for an alternative assignment, should your first preference(s) be over-subscribed.
  • Your second preference should be different from your first. Should we not be able to place you in your first preference, we will attempt to place you in your second. You will be placed randomly if the following occurs: (1) if your first and second preferences are over-subscribed; (2) if your first preference is over-subscribed and you indicated no second preference or your second preference was the same as your first.
  • In the interest of fairness and objectivity, you will not be placed in a school (1) that you attended; (2) where your relatives work; or (3) where your children or other relatives attend.

Pre-K-4 Option Regional Centers

  • Central: School districts and early childhood centers within a 70-mile radius of University Park
    Central placements are very limited because of the large number of middle-field experience students placed simultaneously. Schools are generally located within a 70-mile radius of University Park.
  • Greater Philadelphia: Includes a variety of school districts and early childhood centers surrounding the city
  • Greater Pittsburgh: Includes both schools and early childhood centers within the city of Pittsburgh as well as surrounding suburban areas
  • Sheppard Elementary: Isaac Sheppard Elementary School in Philadelphia
  • South Dakota Pierre Indian Learning Center (Pierre, SD)
    Pierre Indian Learning Center, Pierre, South Dakota, is a residential alternative school (grades 1-8) for American Indian students with limited educational opportunities who, because of social and/or family problems, language differences, undiagnosed learning disabilities, truancy, and other factors, have not been successful in school. Students are admitted from 15 tribes in the three-state area of Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Additional information is available in 170 Chambers.

4-8 Option Regional Centers (Student Teaching -Spring Semester Only)

  • Central: School districts within a 70-mile radius of University Park
    Central placements are very limited because of the large number of middle-field experience students placed simultaneously. Schools are generally located within a 70-mile radius of University Park.
  • South Dakota Pierre Indian Learning Center (Pierre, SD)
    Pierre Indian Learning Center, Pierre, South Dakota, is a residential alternative school (grades 1-8) for American Indian students with limited educational opportunities who, because of social and/or family problems, language differences, undiagnosed learning disabilities, truancy, and other factors, have not been successful in school. Students are admitted from 15 tribes in the three-state area of Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Additional information is available in 170 Chambers.

Secondary Education: (English, Languages, Math, Sciences, Social Studies, World Languages)

In compliance with new state and national accreditation guidelines, most SEC-ED teacher candidates will be assigned to discipline-specific centers. The balance will be assigned to “mixed-discipline” centers to accommodate uneven distribution and special needs.

  • Expect to be assigned to the appropriate discipline-specific center. However, indicate regional preferences in the event of over-enrollment for that center or if you have special needs. Specify the special needs in the "Comments" section of the application. Verifying documentation is required for preferential placement because of special needs.
  • Locations of the Central, Greater Philadelphia, and Greater Pittsburgh centers are similar to the elementary centers.

Secondary Regional Centers

  • Central: English, Social Studies, Sciences, World Language and Mixed-Disciplines
    Central placements are very limited because of the large number of middle-field experience students placed simultaneously. Schools are generally located within a 70-mile radius of University Park.
  • Greater Philadelphia: Social Studies Education and Mixed-Disciplines
  • Greater Pittsburgh: Social Studies and Mixed-Disciplines
  • Greater Pittsburgh: Mathematics
  • South Dakota Pierre Indian Learning Center (Pierre, SD) Mixed-disciplines - Grades 7 & 8
    Pierre Indian Learning Center, Pierre, South Dakota, is a residential alternative school (grades 1-8) for American Indian students with limited educational opportunities who, because of social and/or family problems, language differences, undiagnosed learning disabilities, truancy, and other factors, have not been successful in school. Students are admitted from 15 tribes in the three-state area of Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Additional information is available in 170 Chambers.
Item 7: Classification

Select the appropriate student classification.

Item 8: High School Attended

Type the name of the high school you last attended and the town or city where it is located.

Item 9: Dependents

Select “Yes” if there are people for whom you have major responsibilities according to the Internal Revenue Service’s definition of “dependent.”

Item 10: Local Address

Provide your local address (while attending Penn State) with complete street number, city, state, and zip code. Update your application if this information changes after submitting your ST application. THIS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. This office does not receive a change of address/phone notice from the Registrar. Mail not delivered because of an incorrect address on your application may cause a delay with your placement.

Item 11: Penn State E-mail Address

Enter your Penn State email address only.

Item 12: Telephone

Enter in the appropriate blanks your local phone number and home phone number, including the area code. Update your application if this information changes after submission.

Item 13: Home Address

Enter your home address with complete street number, city, state, and zip code. Update your application if this information changes after submission.

Item 14: Penn State GPA

Enter your cumulative Penn State GPA here. All students must have a 3.0 to begin the student teaching semester.

Item 15: Adviser’s Name

Enter your adviser's name. Non-College of Education majors must have a certification adviser in the College of Education.

Item 16: Comments

You may explain your reason(s) for regional preference(s): - Keep in mind that this 15-credit field experience is a full-time University obligation and much more demanding than 15 credits of on-campus coursework. Your responsibilities will greatly exceed the amount of time you spend in your assigned classroom. Expect to devote 60-80 hours per week to this practicum. For this reason, additional coursework is not permitted. Moreover, we strongly recommend that you not assume any new or additional responsibilities that would detract from the practicum obligations.

NOTE: Official verification will be required for special needs such as PERSONAL ongoing medical treatment required during student teaching.

Item 17: Student's Name

Typing your name indicates acknowledgment that you have read the application materials, including the statements below, and that you agree to and accept the following conditions for placement:

  • I will accept the conditions regarding the procurement of my student teaching placement.
  • I will not attempt to arrange my placement or make specific school or district requests.
  • I will adjust my schedule, if necessary, to complete the prerequisites for my student teaching experience before the semester of my assignment.
  • I will not enroll in any course nor attempt to complete any course work (by definition found in the paragraph “course work during Student Teaching” found on page 2) other than the required student teaching course(s).
  • If I postpone my practicum after being assigned to a regional center, I understand that I will not expect to be reassigned to that same center in a different semester. The assignment process will begin anew. If my postponement occurs after the assignment process for the following semester begins, I realize that my application will be treated as a late application.
  • I will assume the responsibility for keeping the Curriculum and Instruction Field Experiences (CIFE) Office informed of any changes to my home and/or local addresses and phone number(s).
  • I will accept my assigned school district's daily schedule and vacation calendar.
  • I have read each of the previous statements and conditions and express my willingness to be governed by them as indicated by typing my name in the appropriate space on my electronic application.
Item 18: Short Term Student Teaching Abroad

For all degree areas, student teachers can choose to student teach in Pennsylvania for 12 weeks and then participate in additional weeks (usually 5-7) at an international site. If you want to participate in international short-term student teaching, choose yes for this item. If not, choose no.

Words of Caution Before Beginning

When you type your name into the signature line of the electronic Student Teaching Application, it indicates to the Curriculum and Instruction Field Experiences Office that you have read the instructions and materials on this website in their entirety, understand the contents, and agree to accept all conditions for your student teaching placement.

  • If you have not yet read these instructions and basic information about the application, please do so now before proceeding. Should you not understand any of the information contained here or have questions, please contact the Curriculum and Instruction Field Experiences Office, 170 Chambers (814-865-1734) to have any/all questions answered before submitting your online student teaching application.
  • If you have read these instructions and information in their entirety, understand the contents, and agree to accept all conditions for your student teaching placement, please proceed with completing and submitting your online student teaching application.
  • Carefully review your student teaching application before you sign and submit it

After submitting the application, you will see a screen that acknowledges your application and reproduces the information you submitted. This means that your application has been successfully submitted. We encourage you to print a copy of the acknowledgment for your records.