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CIED is a dual-title degree, and not a stand alone program. Students admitted to a primary graduate residential program at University Park have the option of enrolling in a secondary area of study to receive a dual-title degree. Thus, you may not apply directly to CIED, but must first apply to The Graduate School and a major graduate program affiliated with CIED. Those programs are listed at Admission requirements vary among programs; therefore, you will need to contact the major graduate program of your choice regarding application materials such as test scores, reference letters, personal statement, etc. CIED does not offer graduate assistantships.

Please see this page for participating PhDs: Participating PhD major programs. Must be admitted into this program first.

After you are accepted into the major program and begin your studies at Penn State, you may apply to the CIED dual-title degree program by obtaining an application from the administrative assistant in 300 Rackley Building. Upon submission, an admissions committee will review your application for acceptance into the dual-title degree CIED program. Master students are encouraged to apply to CIED by the second semester of their studies. Doctoral students must apply to CIED before passing candidacy.

To qualify for a dual-title degree, students must satisfy the requirements of the graduate major programs in which they are enrolled. In addition, they must satisfy the minimum requirements, as established by the CIED committee. Within this framework, final course selection is determined by the students, their CIED advisers, and their major program advisers.

Training is provided through a multidisciplinary dual-title graduate degree program in CIED that allows students to earn dual-title master's or doctoral degrees in both CIED and education, or agricultural sciences, among other majors. The program enables students to develop ex­pertise and skills in comparative and international education analysis and methodologies.