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The Lifelong Learning and Adult Education Graduate Student Handbook can be downloaded and printed in full by students preferring to maintain a hard copy of the LLAED Handbook for reference.

Those who are new to distance learning at Penn State can find answers to frequently asked questions by checking out the World Campus FAQ page.

Faculty, as well as graduate students in Lifelong Learning and Adult Education at Penn State, are actively involved with affiliated institutes, major associations, and professional publishers in the field, and many travels regularly to give presentations at national and international conferences. Doctoral students are encouraged to develop their presentation and writing abilities through participation in these activities. They may be provided assistance with travel-related expenses by completing the program's travel reimbursement application and returning it to the program staff assistant.

Graduate students beginning work on their final thesis research paper (dissertation) will find helpful assistance on the Thesis Guidelines page.

Graduate students interested in reading dissertations of graduated doctoral students, please visit the Penn State Library System. Scroll down to Lifelong Learning and Adult Education and click on the student's name of the dissertation you wish to view. This will take you to a summary page giving the student's abstract, and at the bottom of this page is the pdf of the dissertation.

Those students interested in Graduate Assistantships can apply annually; applications are considered on a case-by-case basis. Students can also consider applying for scholarships, fellowships and FAFSA.

Summer Tuition Assistance is also available for students that qualify.

Be sure to check out the Graduate Student Association website. This student organization can help you find answers to any questions that you may have. It can also help you become more involved academically or socially in university life.

If you still have some questions regarding our Doctoral programs, check out our FAQ section.