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The Dr. Edwin L. Herr Clinic is run by the Department of Educational Psychology, Counseling, and Special Education. The Herr Clinic serves two purposes: (1) the Counselor Education Master's and Doctoral Programs use the Herr Clinic for clinical practicum in which they serve the University student population, the State College Area School District, and the community; (2) the School Psychology Doctoral Program uses the clinic to provide services to children, adolescent, and young adult referrals from the community.


Counselor Education Services

The Counselor Education Master’s and Ph.D. program works through the Dr. Edwin L. Herr Clinic to provide counseling services to Penn State students, State College Area School District students, and members of the community. While it is not a crisis center, anyone can be referred for services at the Herr Clinic to discuss and work through mental health struggles. This Herr Clinic counselors consist of Counselor Education Master’s and Ph.D. students for their practicum experience. The Herr Clinic is open Fall and Spring semesters, closed for the summer and all University closures. To make a referral or self-refer for mental health services at the Herr Clinic, email: [email protected] or call: 814-863-0048.