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The Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) became fully operational as an accrediting body for educator preparation providers on July 1, 2013. Its mission is to advance equity and excellence in educator preparation through evidence-based accreditation that assures quality and supports continuous improvement to strengthen P-12 student learning. CAEP has replaced the former NCATE accreditation body, which had accredited Penn State's teacher education programs since January 1, 1965.

The CAEP's Accreditation Council met on May 1, 2022, and after reviewing the self-study report and site visit report, made the following accreditation decision:

The College of Education at The Pennsylvania State University is granted Accreditation at the initial-licensure level and advanced-level.

Contact information for CAEP is:
1140 19th Street, NW | Suite 400
Washington, DC 20036

List of Programs Reviewed by CAEP
Educator Preparation Program Level Date Reviewed/Next Review
Agriculture Initial Fall 2021/Fall 2026
Grades Pre K-4 Initial Fall 2021/Fall 2026
Middle Level English, Math, Social Studies Initial Fall 2021/Fall 2026
Physical Education and Health Initial Fall 2021/Fall 2026
Secondary Biology, Chemistry, Earth/Space, English Mathematics, Physics, Social Studies Initial Fall 2021/Fall 2026
Special Education Initial Fall 2021/Fall 2026
Career and Technical Education Initial Fall 2021/Fall 2026
World Languages French, German, Latin, Spanish Initial Fall 2021/Fall 2026
Educational Leadership - Principal PK-12 Adv Spring 2022/Fall 2026
Educational Leadership - Superintendent Adv Spring 2022/Fall 2026
Cooperative Education Adv Spring 2022/Fall 2026
CTE Director Adv Spring 2022/Fall 2026
CTE Supervisor Adv Spring 2022/Fall 2026
English as a Second Language Adv Spring 2022/Fall 2026
Autism, Teaching and Learning Online, STEM, Teacher Leader Endorsement Adv to be reviewed Fall 2026