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The College of Education has mail rooms in each of its buildings:

  • 181A Chambers Building
  • 223 CEDAR Building
  • 317 Keller Building
  • 110 Rackley Building

In some buildings, the mail room is locked. In others, the room is open. Those who have access to the mail rooms in each building typically retrieve mail and redistribute it in local department mail slots. These individuals also likely are the ones who would handle outgoing mail.

The information below is intended to guide you in sending various types of outgoing mail through the Multimedia Print Center’s Outgoing Mail Services.

For all mail-related questions, please contact Penn State mailing services at [email protected] or 814-865-7544.

Multimedia Print Center Mail Services

Penn State Multimedia and Print Center (MPC) has guidelines to help you:

For details, visit the MPC website.

Multimedia and Print Center (MPC) offers Metering Services.

Metering is available for time-sensitive First-Class Mail. When you send MPC a mailing to be metered, postage will be imprinted on each mail piece and sent out the same day they receive it. A mail meter slip must be included with your mailing.

For details, including specific, step-by-step instructions for all first-time users, visit the MPC website.

Multimedia and Print Center (MPC) offers FedEx Services.

Visit the MPC website, and select FedEx shipments form. Login using your Penn State access account. Complete and print the form, and include it with your mailing.