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Candidates for the doctoral degree in CIED must exhibit high research competence, including the ability to identify, conceptualize, and execute a significant research project that clearly adds to the body of knowledge in the field.

Doctoral students should apply for the CIED dual-title degree program prior to taking the qualifying examination in their major program. Qualifying requirements may vary across programs, and students are expected to qualify in their major program after acquiring at least 18 course credits. At or prior to the time of their qualifying, students seeking a dual-title degree in CIED must invite a CIED faculty member (either their assigned CIED adviser or a CIED faculty member within their major program) to participate in and sign off on their qualifying examination.

Students and advisers should maintain the CIED Doctoral Degree Plan of Study form, which may be obtained from the CIED program office. The Doctoral Degree Plan of Study form must be submitted to the CIED program office before the student schedules the comprehensive examination. Students who choose the doctoral dual-title degree in CIED should:

  • Complete a minimum of 27 CIED credits with study in the following curriculum categories:

    • 3 credits, CIED Proseminar

    • 6 credits, advanced comparative and international education content courses

    • 12 credits, advanced or focused comparative and international education content (elective) courses (elective courses may double-count)

    • 6 credits, research methods (qualitative or quantitative).

    A minimum of 18 of the 27 credits must be from 500-level courses. Some courses may satisfy both the graduate major program requirements and those of the CIED program. Final course selection is determined by the students in consultation with their CIED advisors and their major program advisors. Students who already hold a master's degree from another institution may petition to have equivalent course credits accepted.

  • Complete a qualifying and comprehensive examination in their home departments that follows the guidelines established by the home department. A separate comprehensive examination is not required for the CIED program, but the CIED representative on a student's doctoral committee must have input into the development of the comprehensive examination.

  • Write and orally defend a thesis on a topic related to comparative and international education. The doctoral committee of a dual-title degree student is recommended, in conjunction with the CIED committee, by the graduate major program. The chair and at least three members of a doctoral committee must be members of the Graduate Faculty, and the committee must include at least one representative from the CIED faculty. The chair of the committee may not be the sole CIED representative on the committee; he or she must represent the major program and therefore cannot also represent CIED. If the chair is a CIED faculty member, the CIED representative may be any other member of the committee, including a co-chair. If the chair is not a CIED faculty member, the CIED representative must be the co-chair of the committee. The CI ED Doctoral Committee form, obtained from the CI ED program office, must be submitted to the CIED program office before the student schedules the comprehensive examination.

Doctoral Minor Option

  • Complete a minimum of 15 CIED credits with study in the following curriculum categories:

    • 3 credits, CIED Proseminar

    • 6 credits, advanced comparative and international education content courses

    • 6 credits, advanced or focused comparative and international education content courses.

  • Include a CIED representative on the doctoral committee in the role of “Minor Field Member.” The chair may not be the sole CIED representative on the doctoral committee; he or she must represent the major program and therefore cannot also represent CIED. If the chair is a CIED faculty member, the student must select another CIED faculty member to be the minor field member. Indicate on the CIED Doctoral Committee form, obtained from the CIED program office, which CIED faculty member has agreed to serve as the minor field member