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Department of Education Policy Studies

Is it time you became a school principal or superintendent, an education policy analyst, a university administrator, or a scholar of international education systems? Our diverse and welcoming community of renowned faculty and professional field connections are here to help you take the next step.

Welcome to Education Policy Studies
Welcome to Education Policy Studies

The Education Policy Studies Department consists of highly ranked graduate programs in Educational Leadership, Educational Theory and Policy, and Higher Education, and an undergraduate program in Education and Public Policy. We also host interdepartmental faculty that offer a dual-title degree program in Comparative and International Education and a joint degree program between Penn State Law (J.D.) and our doctoral and masters programs.

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Bachelor's, Master's, Doctoral, and Post-Baccalaureate Certificate



Nationally and Internationally Recognized



Prominent Centers, Councils and Journals

Our People

We serve approximately 450 full-time and part-time bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral, and post-baccalaureate certification students, including robust enrollments in our online programs in Educational Leadership and Higher Education. We have 32 full-time faculty (26 tenure-line and six fixed-term) and about 20 part-time faculty who teach and advise students in our residential and online programs. Our faculty are nationally and internationally recognized with diverse interests and vibrant research portfolios encompassing educational policy, assessment and evaluation, history, economics and finance, leadership and governance, sociology, law, equity, rural communities, and comparative and international education. A third of our doctoral students are fully-funded with tuition and stipends to work with faculty on various projects.

Our Work

EPS is home to several prominent Centers, Councils, and Journals. We provide certification for students wishing to be teacher leaders, principals and superintendents. Alumni also serve as faculty and administrators in universities in the US and abroad, and they work at state, national and international governmental and non-governmental agencies and research institutes.