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Master of Education (M.Ed.)

The M.Ed. in Curriculum & Instruction is designed for students who wish to enhance their professional competence in education. Therefore, M.Ed. students must prepare themselves to address the practical problems of education more intentionally and systematically. In consultation with an adviser, students develop a plan of study (see check-sheet) meeting the following conditions:

All credits must be from graduate courses at the“ 400 level or above, with at least 18 credits at 500 or 600 levels. A total of 30 credits is required for the M.Ed. degree.

Please review the Curriculum and Instruction Master's Manual. 

Course Guideline

  • One course in curriculum (e.g., C I 550) (3 credits).

  • One course in educational research (e.g., C I 400 or C I 501) (3 credits).

  • One course in philosophical, social, psychological, or historical foundations of education (e.g., EDPSY 421, EDTHP 4xx) (3 credits).

  • Each M.Ed. student must complete a concentration of courses in the student's emphasis area (15 credits).

  • Courses fulfilling the major or emphasis vary according to the student's emphasis area. The student should select these courses in consultation with their adviser.

  • It is recommended (but not required) that M.Ed. students complete at least 6 credits in courses outside the Department of Curriculum and Instruction (not C I, C&S, E C E, LL ED, MTHED, SCIED, SS ED, or WL ED).

  •  5 credits for resident instruction students

  • 6 credits for World Campus students

  • Up to 3 credits of C I 596 or an emphasis-area 596 may be elected for the M.Ed. paper.

Scholarship and Research Integrity (1 credit for resident instruction students):

  • Each resident instruction M.Ed. student must complete 1 credit of C I 590 to satisfy the university's Scholarship and Research Integrity (SARI) requirement. World Campus students satisfy this requirement in LL ED 502.

Master's Paper or Project:

  • Each M.Ed. student must complete a master's paper or project in which some practical education problem or issue is carefully addressed. Each student must seek advice and consent of an adviser on the topic and methods before starting an M.Ed. paper or project. The paper or project adviser need not be the student's academic adviser, but must be a Curriculum & Instruction faculty member with graduate-faculty status.

    • The paper may be a report of a completed project, a review of the literature concerning a problem, a survey of practices, an essay or any similar effort acceptable to the M.Ed. paper adviser.

    • Projects may include curriculum design or reform, development of software, pedagogical performance, or other creative work acceptable to a M.Ed. project adviser. All projects must be accompanied by analytical and theoretical written commentary.

    • If human subjects are involved in providing data for the paper or project, University policy requires that approval of the research plan and procedures be secured from the Office of Research Protections (ORP) prior to beginning the study.