Search Penn State College of Education

Krause Studios for Innovation

About the Studio

The Krause Innovation Studio is a home for interdisciplinary thinking about our designed world and how it interacts with human agency and performance. While we are housed in the College of Education, we see our role as connecting members of diverse academic communities around the University and beyond around shared thematic conversations. Our current activities are focused in three broad areas: Architectures of Agency, Practices of High Performance, and Dynamics of Self-Organizing Systems.

The Krause Innovation Studio is a physical place in the College of Education at The Pennsylvania State University, but it represents an approach to education as an ecological activity, happening across physical and cultural boundaries, and embracing a variety of physical and technological tools to support best practices. We seek to expand the roles of education and educational institutions and as a result reconceptualize what it means to be a educational professional in an increasingly dynamic and interconnected world.


201 Chambers Building
University Park, PA 16802

Studio Hours

Monday – Thursday 9 am – 10 pm
Friday 9 am – 5 pm
Sunday noon – 8 pm

Closed Saturdays


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