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The College of Education offers a First Year Experience to incoming freshmen at University Park who have an interest in the field of education. The experience meets the goals and objectives as outlined by the Faculty Senate:


  1. To engage students in learning and orient them to the scholarly community from the outset of their undergraduate studies in a way that will bridge to later experiences in their chosen majors.
  2. To facilitate students' adjustment to the high expectations, demanding workload, increased liberties, and other aspects of the transition to college life.


  1. To introduce students to University study.
  2. To introduce students to Penn State as an academic community, including fields of study and areas of interest available to students.
  3. To acquaint students with the learning tools and resources available at Penn State.
  4. To provide an opportunity for students to develop relationships with full-time faculty and other students in an academic area of interest to them.
  5. To introduce students to their responsibilities as part of the University community.

The College of Education offers 1- and 3-credit seminars on a range of education topics and issues taught by faculty.

Questions about the First Year Experience can be directed to Dr. Rayne Sperling (