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The Workforce Development Liaison Project provides leadership to the Pennsylvania Department of Education Bureau of Postsecondary and Adult Education Division of Adult Education's Career Pathways for Adults initiative throughout the Commonwealth. Additionally, this project provides leadership to the alignment of workforce development programming through technical assistance, communication and collaborative strategic planning within the Division's system to build capacity to address WIA Title II performance goals and function effectively as a partner in Pennsylvania's workforce development system.

Specific work includes providing virtual and in-person professional development and technical assistance to adult education practitioners across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in the areas of career pathways, workforce preparation skills, contextualizing instruction, and working effectively with workforce partners. 

Information about Workforce Development and the products developed through this initiative are available under the Workforce/Career Pathways tab on the Pennsylvania Adult Education Resources website at

For Further Information, Contact:

Chrissie Klinger, M.Ed., Workforce Development Director
[email protected]

Loretta Lininger, Workforce Development Specialist
[email protected]

Alexis Vang, Workforce Development Specialist
[email protected]