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Yearly Membership Includes

  • Be a part of a network of school districts, intermediate units, and Penn State faculty.
  • Affiliation with the National School Study Council which provides valuable resources to members.
  • Recognize exemplary school staff from your district through The PSSC Outstanding Service to Public Education Awards program.  Awards include Excellence in Teaching and Excellence in Supervision and Curriculum.
  • Access consultation services to address current organizational issues and future needs.
  • Participate in customized workshops, seminars, lecture and panel discussions designed based on specific concerns of your institution.
  • Identify educational research priorities for study by Penn State faculty and students.
  • Collaborate with Penn State scholars to have funded research conducted in your district or intermediate unit.
  • ACT 45 approved coursework is offered,
  • ACT 48 professional development opportunities available.
  • Education Law Report and Client Alert: An informative, quarterly legal newsletter designed by the law offices of Beard Legal Group to alert school leaders of recent court decisions and legal issues affecting PA school districts.
  • PSSC bi-weekly newsletter with access to cutting edge educational research and contemporary issues.
  • Superintendents (chief school administrator or their designee) may attend their choice of one (1) program for free.
  • Superintendents (chief school administrator or their designee) may attend the Superintendent's Roundtable (two per year--fall and spring).
  • Select PSSC-provided webinars will be free.
  • Any district employee attending PSSC-sponsored training will be eligible for a discount on registration.

The Pennsylvania School Study Council offers a wide range of benefits for members during the school year. In addition to many of the benefits we have offered in the past, we are also committed to deepening our study council research role by becoming a more active partner with the Penn State College of Education for the formation and implementation of relevant research projects. This partnership will allow for a meaningful research agenda and customized professional development activities that address the needs of our members. We look forward to your participation in another exciting year! 

Membership Fee

For a $525 fee, PSSC also offers professional memberships for Intermediate Units, individuals, educational professionals and students at varying rates. Programs or services not included in the basic membership fee (e.g. conferences and workshops) will typically be offered to members at a reduced rate. 

If you are interested in PSSC membership for your school district, intermediate unit, or area career technical school, please contact us at [email protected].

Click here.