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The Humphrey Fellowship Program is a one-year non-degree program of combined academic and professional development opportunities. It brings accomplished mid-career professionals from designated countries of Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean, and the Middle East to selected universities in the United States for public service, advanced study, professional training, and work-related experiences.

The program was established in 1978 by President Jimmy Carter to honor the late Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey. As the fellowship was being founded, Carter received encouragement from a key advocate former Penn State President John Oswald.

The Humphrey Fellowship Program is administered by the Institute of International Education and the primary support for the program comes from the United States Department of State.

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Fellows This Year


Number of Fellows in the 2024-25 Cohort

Total Fellows Hosted


Number of Fellows Hosted at Penn State since 1978

Number of Countries


Number of Countries Represented by Penn State Humphrey Alumni

Components of the Humphrey Fellowship

Learn about each of the components of the Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship at Penn State.

Meet the 2024-2025 Cohort

Meet the 2024-2025 Humphrey Fellows!

Over 40 Years of Alumni at Penn State

Learn more about our alumni over the years.