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ISAL Adult Education Research:

Belzer, A., Clymer, C., Reumann-Moore, R. (2021). A reimagined vision for adult education services for the City of Philadelphia: Final report and recommendations. Study commissioned by Philadelphia's Office of Children and Families (OFC).


Clymer, C., Frey, S., & edited by A. Belzer (May, 2020). Student Recruitment: A review of the research. A ProLiteracy Research Brief, pp. 1-6.

Prins, E., & Kassab, C. (2017). Rural/non-rural differences among Pennsylvania FAFSA applicants pursuing the same type of post-secondary degree. Journal of Research in Rural Education, 32(7).

Prins, E. (2017). Conclusion. In A. Belzer (Ed.), Turning points: Recent trends in adult basic literacy, numeracy, and language education (pp. 95-103). New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, No. 155. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Prins, E. (2017). Digital storytelling in adult basic education and literacy programming. In K. Yang & R. Lawrence (Eds.), Participatory visual approaches to adult and continuing education: Practical insights. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 154, pp. 29-38.

Prins, E. & Kassab, C. (2015). GED recipients in post-secondary education: A rural-urban analysis of Pennsylvania FAFSA applicants' educational, demographic, and financial characteristics. Journal of Research and Practice for Adult Literacy, Secondary, and Basic Education, 4 (2). **The funding for this project was through the Center for Rural Pennsylvania ($50,000).

Prins, E., Kassab, C. & Campbell, K. (2015). Adult Learners in Higher Education: A Rural–Urban Analysis of Pennsylvania FAFSA Applicants’ Educational, Demographic, and Financial Characteristics. Journal of Continuing Higher Education, 63(2), 71-85. **The funding for this project was through the Center for Rural Pennsylvania ($50,000).

Prins, E., Drayton, B., & Gungor, R., & Kassab, C. (2012). Distance learning for GED® students in rural Pennsylvania. American Journal of Distance Education, 26:4, 217-235. **The funding for this project was provided through the Center for Rural Pennsylvania ($50,000).

Prins, E., Kassab, C., Drayton, B., & Gungor, R. (2010). GED preparation through distance learning in rural Pennsylvania.


Prins, E. & Drayton, B. (2010). Adult education for the empowerment of individuals and communities. In C. E. Kasworm, A. D. Rose, & J. M. Rose-Gordon (Eds.), Handbook of adult and continuing education (pp. 209-219). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.


Van Horn, B.L. & Kassab, C. (2010). An analysis of rural and urban Pennsylvania adults taking, completing, and passing the GED. Harrisburg: Center for Rural Pennsylvania.**The funding was provided through the Center for Rural Pennsylvania ($50,000).

Prins, E., & Clymer, C. (2018). Career pathways in Chicago, Houston, and Miami: Key features and support services among adult education providers. The COABE Journal. Special Edition featuring Career Pathways, pp. 28-51.

Prins, E., Clymer, C., Foreman, S. S., Loa, M., Needle, M., Raymond, B., Toso, B. W., & Ziskind, A. (2018, May). Career pathways for adult learners in Chicago, Houston, and Miami: Final report. University Park, PA: Institute for the Study of Adult Literacy.

Prins, E., Clymer, C., & Toso, B.W. (2017, February). A new urban researcher-practitioner partnership: Career pathways programming for lower-skilled adults and immigrants in high-need cities. Presented at the Pennsylvania Association for Adult and Continuing Education Conference, State College, PA.

Prins, E., Clymer, C., Elder, S.F., Needle, M., Raymond, B., & Toso, B.W. (2016, October). Career pathways and adult education in three cities. Presented at the National Conference on Workforce Education, Atlanta, GA.

Prins, E., Clymer, C., Elder, S.F., Needle, M., Raymond, B., & Toso, B.W. (2016, April). A new research partnership: Career pathways and adult basic education in high-need cities. Presented at the Commission of Adult Basic Education (COABE) Conference, Dallas, TX.

Toso, B.W., Prins, E., & Mooney, A. (2013). The changing face of immigrants in the U.S.: Implications for adult educators. PAACE Journal of Lifelong Learning, 22, 1-21.

Prins, E.S., Toso, B.W. (2012). Receptivity toward immigrants in rural Pennsylvania: Perceptions of adult English as a second language providers. Rural Sociology

Prins, E.S., Toso, B.W., Sherow,S., & Willits, F.K. (2008). Pennsylvania's forgotten rural immigrants. University Park, PA: Institute for the Study of Adult Literacy and the Goodling Institute for Research in Family Literacy. **The funding for this research was through the College of Agricultural Sciences Seed Grant Program, Pennsylvania State University ($14,770).

Prins, E. & Monnat, S. (2015). Examining Associations between Self-Rated Health and Proficiency in Literacy and Numeracy among Immigrants and U.S.-Born Adults: Evidence from the Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC).  Plos One: DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0130257


Prins, P., Monnat, S., Clymer, C., & Toso, B. (2015). Examining associations between adult health and literacy, numeracy, technological problem-solving skills, and post-initial learning in the U.S. Washington, D.C.: American Institutes for Research and the National Center for Education Statistics.


Prins, E., & Mooney, A. (2014). Literacy and health disparities. In J.C. Collins, L.O. Bryant, & T.S. Rocco (Eds.), Health and wellness concerns for racial, ethnic, and sexual minorities (pp. 25-35). New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, No. 142. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Materials from the "Taking the Next Steps with PIAAC: A Research-to-Action Conference", December 12, 2014:

Distance Learning in Adult Basic Education: A Review of the Literature (2011). The purpose of this literature review is to provide background information about distance learning (DL) in adult basic education (ABE), specifically, to identify program design and policy implications to inform the use of DE for GED students in rural Pennsylvania. Adult educators have long sought to encourage greater participation in, and more equitable access to, educational opportunities for adult learners. This literature review examines how DE can help adult educators address issues of equity and participation, especially in rural areas with restricted educational opportunities.