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Krause Studio Conference Room(s) - View Availability and Submit a Reservation Request

Reservation requests are handled individually by College of Education Staff, and therefore, you should not assume a reservation request has been approved until you have received an email indicating the status of your request.

Reservations for the Krause Conference Rooms can be made two weeks in advance for a maximum duration of three hours. Room reservations cannot be made outside of operating hours. 

For questions or concerns please email [email protected]. To make a reservation you must be a current Penn State student or Employee.

Before submitting a reservation request, please check the availability of the room. When a reservation is successfully created, it will be reflected on the displays within each room. 

Food and Drinks are prohibited in these spaces. 


Monday - Thursday: 9 AM - 10 PM
Friday: 9 AM - 5 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: 12 PM - 10 PM

Available Conference Rooms: