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Graduate Minor

The minor in Lifelong Learning and Adult Education is open to all interested graduate students. This minor may be combined with any graduate major at Penn State. Only courses in which the student earns a "C" or better may be counted toward the fulfillment of the requirements.

Students interested in pursuing a minor in Lifelong Learning and Adult Education will need to complete a minor application.  Any time there is a change to the minor application, such as a student wishes to take a different course, a new application must be submitted to the program administrative assistant per Graduate School requirement.

Recommended Courses:

Choose any two of the following four courses

  • ADTED 460
  • ADTED 521
  • ADTED 508
  • ADTED 510
  • ADTED 542

Elective Courses: 

Choose any three ADTED courses. If a student takes ADTED 460 as a required course, then at least one elective must be at the 500 level.