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M.Ed. in Educational Leadership - University Park

The residential master's degree program in Educational Leadership is a program that is designed to provide students with an opportunity to build a strong foundation in research, theory, and policy related to educational leadership. The knowledge and skills gained from this program can be applied in various contexts. Because the program provides a flexible structure, students can tailor their program of study to meet their interests and career trajectory. Current students have diverse professional interests including athletic leadership, international educational leadership and policy, and educational leadership and policy in the U.S. context. Alumni are employed in a range of positions, including athletic teams, educational organizations or schools, or non-profits organizations. 

A total of 30 course credits, including EDLDR 596, are required. At least 18 of those credits are required specifically in Educational Leadership courses. In addition to required courses, students should select at least one course from four of the Educational Leadership strands, as well as an elective.

  • Introduction to Educational Leadership (EDLDR 480)

  • Pro-Seminar in Educational Leadership (EDLDR 532)

  • CAPSTONE Project: Individual Studies Master's Paper

    The final course (EDLDR 596) is a project-based course that represents the culmination of academic work toward the M.Ed. degree. Course requirements involve the development of a final capstone project focused on evaluation, analysis, or application of concepts first introduced and developed over the course of the student’s M.Ed. program. The project should be planned in coordination with an EDLDR faculty member who agrees to serve as the student’s adviser for this project and must reflect an appropriate degree of graduate-level scholarship, as determined by the adviser.

Students should take at least one course from four of the strands described below and one three-credit elective. Additional courses within a strand may be taken for elective credit. Courses outside of the EDLDR program may be able to meet course strand or elective requirements. Students should consult with their advisor before taking non-EDLDR courses.

  1. Leadership and Administration

  2. Organizational Theory and Practice

  3. Diversity and Equity

  4. Educational Policy and Politics

  5. Law and Ethics

  6. Educational Resource Allocation

  7. Data and Research