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Dana Mitra

Dr. Dana Mitra

Professor of Education (EDTHP)

302A Rackley Building
University Park, PA 16802


  • Education Policy Studies


  • Graduate Studies Program in Curriculum and Instruction


  • Prevention Center
  • Rock Ethics Center

Most excited about: Advocacy

Current Research: The connection between student voice activities and youth academic outcomes


  • PhD, Education Administration and Policy Analysis, Stanford University
  • MA, Sociology, Stanford University
  • BA, Educational Studies/Public Policy and American Institutions, Brown University


Dr. Dana Mitra is a Professor of Education Policy Studies at Penn State. She is the founding editor of the International Journal of Student Voice and co-editor of The American Journal of Education.

She has published more than 60 papers has on topics of student voice, youth development, civic engagement, and educational change. Her latest book with Teacher’s College Press is entitled The Empowered Professor: Breaking the Unspoken Codes of Inequity in Academia. Previous books include Civic Education in the Elementary Grades: Promoting Engagement in an Era of Accountability; Student voice in school reform: Building youth-adult partnerships that strengthen schools and empower youth; and the textbook Educational Change and the Political Process.

Dana holds a Ph. D. from Stanford University in Educational Administration and Policy Analysis. Previous honors including serving as a Fulbright-Nehru Scholar in Bangalore, India and being named as a “Distinguished Fellow” with Jobs for The Future/Nellie Mae Foundation’s Student at the Center program. Her prior work experience includes teaching elementary school in the Washington, DC, area and being the coordinator for two White House Conferences on Character Education.


Areas of Expertise

Social Issues

Civic Engagement

Expertise and Research Interests

Educational Politics
Faculty Coaching
Faculty Development
Organizational Change
Student Voice
Youth Development