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In April 2020 we hosted our first OD&C webinar. Since then, each month, we offer state-of-the-art topics presented by scholars and experts from the industry. You are invited to register for the upcoming sessions or revisit any previously streamed. Subscribe to the Penn State OD & C YouTube channel to access this and more content.

On this page you will find:

- Upcoming webinars (Click below each thumbnail to access the registration page).

- Past webinars (Click below each thumbnail to watch the recording on YouTube).

- Other conferences and webinars by WFED/OD&C PDN network (Click below each thumbnail to access the recording)

Upcoming webinars

Register for the upcoming sessions and follow us to receive updates about the upcoming events.


Past Webinars

Enjoy our most recent webinar recording:

Webinar 47. A Novel Framework of Socially Responsible AI in People Analytics



Watch the recorded sessions held previously and subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Other Videos and Conferences