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The Workforce Education Forum is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing emerging scholarship in workforce development and career and technical education. Forum encourages submission of manuscripts that discuss theories, develop conceptual frameworks, synthesize literature, and disseminate evidence-based research. Forum serves as a forum through which practice and policy may be discussed or debated.

Guidelines for Authors

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The manuscript should be created in Microsoft Word and sent as a single file, including tables and figures by October 1 (spring issue) and April 1 (fall issue).
  2. "Articles “typically should be between I0 and 25 pages, double spaced, including abstract, tables, figures, notes and references. “In My View” manuscripts should be no more than I0 pages, and ''Book Reviews “should be no more than four pages.
  3. Double-space the entire manuscript, with left-justified, ragged-right text. Use 12-point, Times or Times New Roman font.
  4. Type only one space after all punctuation marks.

References should follow the guidelines provided by the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA)(5th ed.).

    • Information about reference citations in text may be found on pages 207-21 4.
    • Information about references at the end of the article may be found on pages 215-281.
    • All references cited should appear in the reference list. Those not cited should not appear in the reference list, unless noted to the managing editor.
  1. Quotations longer than 40 words should be blocked, with a refernce citation indicated.
  2. All tables and figures should be printed included at the end of the document, with a location indicator included in the test (such as <Insert Table 1 here>). Tables should be constructed according to APA guidelines.
  3. In Accordance with the policy of blind review, include name, address, include name, address, institution and position of author(s) only on the cover page. The complete tille should also appear on the first page. List all co-authors' names, titles addresses (including e-mail), and telephone numbers on the cover page.

How to Submit to the Forum

To submit articles for publishing, click the Submit button below. You will be directed to the site that manages the submission and review process. Once on the site you will need to Register for an account before you will be able to submit.


How to Read the Forum

To read the articles published in the Forum, click the Read Articles button below. This will direct you to site where the Forum is archived. On this site you can read past and current issues as well as subscribe to the Forum. Please download and read the instructions for creating the different types of accounts before you proceed.

Personal Subscriptions and Registration Instructions

Institutional Subscriptions and Registration Instructions



Jeff M. Allen - University of North Texas
Michael W. Harvey - Ball State University
Linda Martinez - California State University Long Beach
Susan Olson - University of Akron
Cynthia Pellock - Penn State University


Linda Martinez - California State University Long Beach

Managing Editor

Bora Kwon - Penn State University

Editorial Board and Reviewers

Keisha Cunningham - Savannah State University
Brenda Martin - University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
Donna Pearson - National Research Center for Career and Technical Education
Mark D. Threeton - Penn State University
C. Keith Waugh - University of Southern Illinois
Chris Zirkle - Ohio State University

If you would like to become a Reviewer, please email your vitae to the editor, Linda Martinez.