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Master of Professional Studies - World Campus

The Master of Professional Studies (M.P.S.) in Organization Development and Change is an online degree aimed toward professionals in fields such as talent management, corporate development and performance improvement in government, nonprofit organizations and industry. The program is designed with an international focus, ensuring that students are exposed to global issues and the way change is occurring around the world and will emphasize the importance of technology when it comes to facilitating change.

Students in the Organization Development and Change program will have the opportunity to build portfolios, collections of work samples that they have accumulated throughout their programs that they can share with prospective employers. More details on classes can be found on our course list.

The M.P.S. in Organization Development and Change is a degree offering of the Workforce Education and Development program in the Department of Learning and Performance Systems in the Penn State College of Education. It is offered as an online degree program through the Penn State World Campus.

For more information on the program and faculty, please contact the OD&C program staff assistant:

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