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David Post

Dr. David Post

Professor and Senior Scientist of Education (EDTHP)

404E Rackley Building
University Park, PA 16802


  • Education Policy Studies


  • Educational Theory and Policy Program
  • Education Policy and Leadership
  • Higher Education Program
  • Comparative and International Education


  • Center for the Study of Higher Education (CSHE)

Most excited about: Research


  • PhD, Comparative Education, University of Chicago
  • MA, Curriculum and Instruction, Columbia University
  • BA, Philosophy, George Washington University


Dr. Post has evaluated higher education access by students across various national policy contexts and cultures. Mexico, Peru, and Chile are the three Latin American countries where his research on poverty and social status has prompted a reassessment of government finance and lending programs and has also illuminated student political movements. He recently completed a Fulbright Scholarship in Hong Kong.

Areas of Expertise

Expertise and Research Interests

Family Economy in Latin America
Social Context of Education