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A graduate dual-title degree is a fully integrated program of study that allows students to define a research problem that combines both the graduate major and dual-title fields.

A dual-title graduate degree program must require a minimum of 15 credits for a dual-title doctoral program and 6 credits for a dual-title master’s program.

The dual-title area of study cannot exist as a separate (stand-alone) graduate degree program at Penn State. The student's diploma will carry the name of both the graduate major and the dual-title offering. Students may complete only one dual-title in addition to a graduate major program of study within a single degree program.

Students must apply and may be admitted to an existing dual-title graduate degree program only after being enrolled in an existing graduate program.

Doctoral students should enroll in a dual-title graduate degree program early in their training, and no later than the end of the fourth semester (not counting summer semesters) of entry into the graduate major program.