Programs & Degrees
- Certficate - Certificate from Penn State
- MEd - Master of Education
- PhD - Doctor of Philosophy
- DEd - Doctor of Education
- Dual-Title
- Joint - Joint Degree with Law (J.D.) from Penn State Dickinson School of Law
- AS - Associate in Science
- M - Minor
- BS - Bachelor of Science
- IUG - Integrated Undergraduate-Graduate
- MS - Master of Science
- MPS - Masters of Professional Studies
Endorsement Eligibility
Instruction Method
Endorsement Eligibility
Instruction Method
Additional Credentials
Additional Credentials
English as a Second Language (ESL) Program Specialist K–12 Reading Specialist Certification with a fully Virtual Online Option
Curriculum and Instruction
Higher Education Program
Higher Education Program
Ph.D. Degree in Higher Education D.Ed. Degree in Higher Education M.Ed. Degree in Higher Education Institutional Research Certificate Higher Education and the Joint Law Degree Higher Education & Comparative and International Education Dual-Title Degree
Education Policy Studies
Online or On-Campus
Educational Leadership Program
Educational Leadership Program
Ph.D. Degree in Educational Leadership D.Ed. Degree in Educational Leadership M.Ed. Degree in Educational Leadership Superintendent Graduate Certificate - Letter of Eligibility Principalship Graduate Certificate Teacher Leadership Graduate Certificate Educational Leadership and Joint Degrees with Penn State Law Educational Leadership/Comparative and International Education Dual-Title Degrees
PA Certification
Education Policy Studies
Online or On-Campus
Workforce Education and Development
Workforce Education and Development
Training - Degree Workforce Education and Development Doctoral Degree Graduate certificates Master of Science in Workforce Education and Development Master of Education in Workforce Education and Development Master of Professional Studies in Organization Development and Change Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Master of Professional Studies (M.P.S.) Master of Science (M.S.) Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Dual-title degree
PA Certification (Instructional and Administrative)
Learning and Performance Systems
Online or On-Campus
Lifelong Learning and Adult Education
Lifelong Learning and Adult Education
Graduate Minor in Adult Education D.Ed. Degree in Lifelong Learning and Adult Education M.Ed Degree in Lifelong Learning and Adult Education Ph.D. Degree in Lifelong Learning and Adult Education Graduate certificates
Learning and Performance Systems
Online or On-Campus