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Special Education Master of Education Degree

The resident M.Ed. program at the University Park campus has two routes students can take to earn certification in PreK-12 serving students with disabilities – students entering with an Instructional 1 certificate in another content area or a non-certification undergraduate degree. Both programs provide 30 credits of coursework and two supervised practicum experiences (6 credits), to prepare teachers to provide effective and appropriate instruction for students with disabilities.

This combination of academic and practical experiences supports M.Ed. candidates in learning to meet the needs of all learners through the demonstrated ability to

  • use adapted instruction to support the acquisition of reading, writing, and math skills;

  • design and deliver effective instruction;

  • use appropriate techniques to assess learning;

  • create a positive environment for learning.

Traditional 4+1 Program (for undergraduate degrees in a teacher certification program)

Students who have completed (or who are currently enrolled) in an undergraduate teacher certification program at Penn State have the opportunity to complete the M.Ed. in Special Education (and earn special education teacher certification in Pennsylvania) through the “4+1” program at the University Park campus.

M.Ed. students must accumulate a specified number of credits, complete a sequence of practicum courses, and write a master's paper. Students will follow this course sequence during their fifth year of study:

Summer Session (after completion of undergraduate program and following acceptance into the 4+1 program)
SPLED 525 - Note that there are special enrollment procedures for this course. Please 
visit this link for more information.

Fall Semester (18 credits)


Spring Semester (15 credits)

SPLED 525 can also be taken in the summer before a student's final year as an undergraduate and can be counted toward the SPLED minor (in place of SPLED 461).

The 4+1 M.Ed. program will result (in five years) in


  1. a bachelor’s degree with initial teacher certification

  2. a Masters degree in Special Education, and

  3. recommendation for PA special education teacher certification

Post-Baccalaureate Program (for undergraduate degrees in non-teacher certification programs)

Students who have completed a bachelors program in a related field to education (i.e. Rehabilitation & Human Services, Human Development & Family Studies, Psychology, amongst others). The bachelors program must be completed before beginning the Master’s program in Special Education.

M.Ed. students must accumulate a specified number of credits, complete a sequence of practicum courses, and write a master's paper. Students will follow this course sequence during their fifth year of study:

Summer Session (after completion of undergraduate program and following acceptance into the MEd program)
CI 280
40 Hours of work with individuals with disabilities

Fall Semester (18 credits)


Spring Semester (15 credits)

Notes. SPLED 525, 573, or CI280 could be taken during a student’s undergraduate program as well. SPLED 525 and CI280 could also be taken in the summer after completion of the program in order to graduate in Summer.

The M.Ed. program will result (in five years) in


  1. a Masters degree in Special Education, and
  2. recommendation for PA special education teacher certification in PreK-12.

How to Apply

Individuals interested in this program should complete an initial degree in their four years as undergraduate students (in either a teacher-certification program or a related field).

The applicant then applies to the SPLED M.Ed. program in the fall or spring of their final year in their undergraduate program. If the individual is accepted into the program, they will complete some online summer coursework and then a fall and spring semester in residence at University Park. Upon successful completion, the teacher candidate will graduate with an M.Ed. in Special Education and be eligible for recommendation for special education teacher certification in Pennsylvania.

Individuals who completed their initial teacher certification at a university other than Penn State are welcome to apply for this program. In addition to the course requirements listed below applicants may need to complete additional coursework as determined by their advisor. For individuals who obtained their initial teaching certification outside of Pennsylvania, there may be additional coursework requirements to be eligible for recommendation for Pennsylvania Certification in Special Education. Individuals who completed their initial teacher certification at a university other than Penn State should contact the Coordinator of Teacher Education for the Special Education program for additional information.

For admission to the Graduate School, an applicant must hold either (1) a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited U.S. institution or (2) a tertiary (postsecondary) degree that is deemed comparable to a four-year bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited U.S. institution. This degree must be from an officially recognized degree-granting institution in the country in which it operates.

All applicants are expected to have a GPA of 3.0 or higher from prior coursework.

The process of applying for graduate admission at Penn State requires the following application materials, all of which are submitted via The Graduate School's online application.


  • Graduate Application and application fee – Applications are submitted electronically and include a nonrefundable application fee. You will need to upload the following items as part of your online application.
  • Résumé or curriculum vitae
  • Personal statement – A one to two page statement addressing your purpose and objectives in enrolling in a graduate program in Special Education.
  • Transcripts – A copy of an official transcript from each institution attended, regardless of the number of credits or semesters completed. Transcripts not in English must be accompanied by a certified translation. Penn State alumni do not need to request transcripts for credits earned at Penn State, but must list Penn State as part of your academic history. Upon admission and your acceptance of admission, you will be asked to send an additional official transcript. You will receive instructions at that time.
  • Three references – Reference forms will be uploaded directly to the Graduate School application by the reference writer who will receive an email from the Graduate School after the applicant enters reference contact information into the application.
  • Proof of English Proficiency – The language of instruction at Penn State is English. All international applicants must take and submit scores for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS), with some exceptions. For detailed information please visit the Graduate School's Requirements for Graduate Admissionspage.Applicants should request that TOEFL scores be sent to Penn State electronically. Applicants should request that IELTS scores be mailed directly to Penn State's Graduate School at the following address:
  • The Pennsylvania State University
    Graduate Enrollment Services
    114 Kern Building
    University Park, PA 16802
  • GRE test scores are NOT required for M.Ed. applicants.

Apply Now

Begin the graduate school application

  • Choose “DEGREE ADMISSION” as your enrollment type.

  • Choose "UNIVERSITY PARK" as your campus.

  • Choose “SPECIAL EDUCATION” as your major.

  • Choose “M ED” as your degree.

Your degree application, including receipt of all application materials, must be received by the following deadlines to be considered complete:


  • April 1 for Summer semester admission

Deadlines and Important Dates
Your degree application, including receipt of all application materials, must be received by the following deadlines to be considered complete, including completed reference forms;
The SPLED M Ed program at University Park begins in the Summer semester. Applications are received and reviewed beginning in the prior Fall Semester (e.g., Fall 2024 for a Summer 2025 start). Applications must be received by April 1 to be considered for Summer semester admission.

Apply Now